March 2025: Lemaire&Touron featured in Ceramics Now
“The Age of Aquarius: A Solo Exhibition by Lemaire&Touron at SARAHCROWN, New York” Read the full article here.
February 2025: David Syre featured in HYPERALLERGIC
“A Mixed Bag at the Outsider Art Fair” Read the full article here.
February 5, 2025: Dov Talpaz part of a Panel Discussion at the New York Studio School with Elisa Jensen, Jennifer Samet, Elena Sisto.
December 2024: SARAHCROWN’s UNTITLED Art Booth featured in LIVEINITALY magazine
“Italian Galleries at UNTITLED Art Fair 2024” Read the full article here.
November 2024: EunJung Park solo exhibition at LKIF Gallery, Seoul (KR)
Her solo show “Celestial Bodies” will be on view from November 9 - December 14, 2024. Read more here.
September 2024: Lyz Parayzo at the Biennial de Lyon featured in ARTnews.
The Biennial de Lyon will run from September 21, 2024 to May 1, 2025. Read the full article on ARTnews.
September 2024: William Kim: minimum two ideally never listed as a “Must See” show for September 2024 by Artforum.
minimum two ideally never is on view at SARAHCROWN through October 19, 2024. Read more on Artforum.
June 2024: Nexus, Echoes, and Connections featured in Art Spiel
Nexus, Echoes, and Connections is on view at SARAHCROWN, New York. Read the full article here.
June 2024: Lyz Parayzo part of the 17th Biennial de Lyon
Lyz Parayzo will be part of the 17th Biennial de Lyon in Lyon (FR) curated by Alexia Fabre and under the artistic direction of Isabelle Bertolotti. The Biennial will run from September 21, 2024 to May 1, 2025. Read more here.
April 2024: CERAMICS NOW features the exhibition The Builders in its April edition.
The Builders is on view at SARAHCROWN, New York. Read the full article here.
April 2024: Interview with curator John Drury in URBAN GLASS
CONVERSATION: John Drury discusses curating his New York City gallery exhibition exploring contemporary approaches to glass. Read the full article here.
March 2024: Lyz Parayzo part of group show at The Flat Massimo Carasi Gallery in Milan
Congratulations to Lyz Parayzo for her group show “Shifting Skins” at The Flat Massimo Carasi in Milan, (Italy). The show will open on April 4, 6-9 PM and run through May 31, 2024 . More info here.
March 2024: Dov Talpaz part of juried exhibition at MiFa Miami.
Three of Dov Talpaz’s recent etchings have been juried into the exhibition Myths and Legends of the World at Miami International Fine Arts, Miami FL.
March 2024: David Syre in RAW Vision Magazine
David Syre’s solo show is featured in Raw Vision Magazine. To read the full article, please click here.
February 2024: Gabriele Grones: Sacred Connections reviewed by Luisa Caldwell in WHITEHOT Magazine
Gabriele Grone’s exhibition has been reviewed by Luisa Caldwell who writes “The sculptural objects are floated on a monochrome ground most likely painted from photographs. These floated objects, depicted with removed exactitude, are presented much like scientific botanical renderings of a sole specimen isolated within the frame.”
December 2023: JoongAng Newspaper spotlights Alice Yang’s AI co-created art.
The JoonGang have highlighted Alice Yaelin Yang’s talk at Sangmyung University in Seoul , discussing her process of producing art alongside AI, as well as her projections for the future of the new medium.
November 2023: Dov Talpaz: The Sound of Longing reviewed by Alice Zinnes.
Dov Talpaz’s exhibition has been reviewed in Alice Zinnes’ Entropvisions, in a review which calls his works “songs of the human experience, of the deepest of ancient emotions, the emotions between lovers, parents and siblings, between ourselves and the unexplainable world beyond ourselves.”
September 2023: Amy Lemaire & Nicolas Touron Share Exhibition at Harvard University
Artist Duo Amy Lemaire & Nicolas Touron have an exhibition at Harvard University’s Gallery 224, opening on September 22, showcasing brand new works made during Touron’s residency at Harvard.
September 2023: Elisa Bertaglia’s Works at Kiaf Seoul Spotlighted by SayArt.
SayArt has published an article, SARAHCROWN Gallery's Stunning Debut at KIAF2023: Introducing Elisa Bertaglia's Abstract Masterpieces, showcasing Elisa Bertaglia’s new works, shown at Kiaf. Please find a link to the article below.
August 2023: SARAHCROWN selected for booth highlight at Kiaf Seoul
Our booth at Kiaf Seoul, featuring the works of Amy Lemaire & Nicolas Touron, EunJung Park, and Elisa Bertaglia has been included in a booth highlight of the fair: Kiaf 2023: Booth Highlights, Special Programs & Events. Please see a link to the article below.
June 2023: Amy Lemaire Featured in Glass Quarterly
Amy Lemaire has been mentioned in John Drury’s feature article “Raw Truths,” which delves into the community of American glassblowers who operate outside of the confines of Venetian tradition.
June 2023: Elisa Bertaglia Shortlisted for the Fourteenth Premio Combat Prize
Elisa Bertaglia has been included in the shortlist of 80 artists in the running for the Premio Combat Prize’s painting category.
May 2023: Lyz Parayzo Featured in The New York Times
Brazilian artist Lyz Parayzo has been featured in the article “Call Them Dissidents, But Don’t Call Them Feminists,” written by Jill Langlois, which describes Parayzo’s works as “humorous and playful.”
March 2023: David Syre: The Black Drawings Featured in Art Spiel
Our exhibition showcasing outsider artist David Syre’s drawings on black paper has been reviewed by Flora Leigh on Art Spiel, saying “distant lands manifest in Syre’s lines as symbols, fragments, and outlines of imaginary places and objects.”
January 2023: SARAHCROWN at Outsider Art Fair
SARAHCROWN is pleased to announce our participation in this year’s Outsider Art Fair with a selection of drawings by American outsider artist David Syre, along with a simultaneous solo show featuring Syre’s work.
January 2023: Amy Lemaire and Nicolas Touron’s exhibition Second Nature featured in Ceramics Now
Ceramics Now magazine features Amy Lemaire and Nicolas Touron’s current show Second Nature on their website.
January 2023: Elisa Bertaglia opens solo exhibition at Martina Corbetta Gallery, Italy
Elisa Bertaglia’s solo exhibition, Les Simulacres, runs between January 13 – March 17, 2023 at Martina Corbetta Gallery in Giussano, Monza Brianza. Three years after her project Singing over the Bones, the artist presents a brand new coherent and substantial research. Quoting the concept of simulacrum, Les Simulacres – image, semblance, ghost, illusion – summarizes the common theme that unites the body of works created over the last two years between the United States and Italy.
December 2022: Osaretin Ugiagbe at Boccanera Gallery group exhibition in Trento, Italy
Boccanera Gallery’s exhibition Nel grembo materno aims to highlight female entrepreneurial activity in art and its ‘visionary’ intuitions. Gallerist Giorgia Lucchi Boccanera invites a number of Italian and foreign contemporary art galleries to participate in this project. These galleries have built up a relationship of mutual esteem during their activity or shared with her part of their development and taste for discovery.
December 2022: SARAHCROWN mentioned in Brooklyn Magazine
Brooklyn Magazine features SARAHCROWN New York in its review of Miami Art Week 2022. Author Vittoria Benzine describes our Untitled Art Fair booth “deliberately harmonious in aesthetics.”